Some may have noticed I’ve been quiet of late? No? Well I’m still going to pretend you’ve all noticed and been wondering why. You have nothing better to do - do you 😉
Well we have moved house, horse, lock,
stock and barrel. Horse you say? Yes I have one and now we have a field for her, two in fact! Plus a stable with nice big store room perfect for a workshop, big enough even for my other half to
have his own workshop too. I’ve had to promise he won’t come back from sea to find I.ve taken over the whole space, like last time...
There is a house too, with a wood
burning stove so between that, lots of space and no passers by we have 3 very happy dogs too!
It all happened very suddenly so we have
been very busy. Now almost all the unpacking has been done and there’s only a few pictures left unhung. I have my dream home and all made possible by the lovely man in my life - who has gone back
to sea with great relief to escape my obsessive arranging of seeming endless ‘stuff’!
No jewellery has happened- though have a
look at my Facebook page to see the last piece I made, a commission for a ring and key ring using hair set in resin. A lovely lady with a love of Rhodesian Ridgebacks lost her beloved dog and
wanted a special way to keep him with her. I was happy and honoured to be part of that, a careful process and great responsibility. All went well and in case of disaster I have kept some hair
safely. It’s a service I’d like to do more of, it’s good to feel you can help at such a sad time.
What’s next? I confess my head is too
full of arranging the house and tack room to be very constructive. That and the lack of a work bench! There are the remains of a very beautiful antique wardrobe, left by the previous tenant who
smashed it to get it out of the house. Utterly heartbreaking. However I plan to use the parts left to build a very special bench to rescue some of the wonderful craftsmanship that has been so
badly abused. So watch this space, my efforts to follow in my grandfathers footsteps as a cabinetmaker may follow!
Take care all and stay warm this
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